Board of LYCS

Nessan Vaughan - Chairperson
Nessan Vaughan worked in the public service for over 30 years at FÁS, the Department of Labour and the National Manpower Service. Since 2010, he has been working in a variety of roles in the community and voluntary sector. He is a Board Director of several organisations in the not-for-profit sector, is also Chairperson of two, is a volunteer for the Society of St Vincent de Paul in numerous capacities, and is a literacy/English language tutor. Nessan joined the board of LYCS in 2017

Jackie Lawlor - Vice Chairperson
Jackie is Head of Human Resources at Boylesports. She has been a member of the board since 2009 and has previously served as Chairperson. Jackie is also a director of St. Mary’s Youth Club in East Wall in Dublin.

Kevin Reid
Kevin is the Owner of Kevin J Reid Executive Communications Coaching, Personal Skills Training and is a Collaborative Partner in both Clearway and SustainEd, an Executive Director with Kilimanjaro Fair Deal and an Associate Trainer with Arise to Succeed, People in Flow (UK), Kaplan (UK) and Peter Fitzgerald & Associates. He is on the board of advisors of AIESEC, the international student organization and is a Trustee Representative on a second level board of management. Kevin joined the board of LYCS in 2016.

Gavin Elliott
Gavin Elliott is a qualified barrister. He spent eight years in private practice, specialising in civil and regulatory law, and is currently employed as the Legal Officer at Threshold, the national housing charity. He has been a member of the board of Dublin West Home Help since 2012. Dublin West Home Help is the largest non-profit community based home care provider in the state and provides home help and related services to people in the Clondalkin, Ballyfermot and Inchicore areas of Dublin. He is Chair of the board of Transparency Legal Advice Centre an independent law centre specialising in providing legal advice to anyone who wishes to disclose wrong doing or corruption, particularly under the Protected Disclosures Act. Gavin joined the board of LYCS in 2017.

Peter O’Connor

Jean O'Connor
Jean O’ Connor has been involved in the North East Inner City for many years. She originally worked as a Family Support Worker for 12 years with the HSE. Since retiring she has been actively involved as a volunteer in the local community and has engaged with a variety of organisations and local initiatives. Jean is a member of Board of Management for Marino College and also their parents and teachers association. Jean also plays a role in organising the fringe festival each year and has been involved in council funded projects in the North Inner City for many years. Recently Jean has also played an active role on ICON ( Inner City Organisations Network) committees in housing and local development.

Bernie Walsh
Bernie Walsh is from the north inner city of Dublin. She was a participant on our Adult Education Programme before establishing and heading up Sunflower Recycling Project which is now a very successful social enterprise. Sunflower has a far reaching reputation for the work it does and has gained international recognition for recycling as an option for future job creation. Bernie has been involved in community development and development education for over 20 years and is a leader of many innovative initiatives in the local area.

Dave Little
Dave has worked in the North East Inner City for over 30 years in various projects, early intervention programmes and in community work. His background is in Social Work/Community work. He currently works as a Community Worker with Tusla, and was for a time seconded as coordinator of the YPAR Initiative. He is a Board member of a number of other Projects and initiatives.

Sarah Kelleher - CEO of LYCS
Sarah has worked as CEO of LYCS in the North East Inner City for over 20 years. With a background in youth work and community development, Sarah has vast experience of working in inner city communities both in Ireland and in the UK. She has recently gained a 1st Class Honours in M.A. in Management: Community & Voluntary Services with Dublin City Univeristy. Sarah has a special interest in policy development and measuring qualitative outcomes of programmes delivered to hard-to-reach communities. She has also served as a Board member of a number of local and national voluntary organisations and statutory agencies.