Adult Education Programme

Offer education that is learner centred and participative; values people’s knowledge and life experiences and encourages critical thinking, problem posing and analysis.

LYCS aims to create a variety of learning opportunities for our community, prioritising people living locally and people experiencing poverty and social exclusion

LYCS Adult programme is seen as a hub and haven of hope and development. We aim to create a welcoming, friendly, supportive and safe environment where good communication and relationships are fostered.
‘I love being here - the environment is so relaxed, our tutor is devoted – she show us how to sew and make what we want. On top of that she, has time to talk to everyone, about life and what’s going on for us. She has a real human touch and we have become a community. Everyone is supporting everyone else, with what they are making and in life.’ - Marie

Adult Education Timetable Autumn 2022

Our principle activity is the provision of free or low cost classes/courses for local adults. These classes/courses are delivered weekly by sessional tutors, core staff and volunteers, usually in three ten-week terms based on the school year.
Learners report the following benefits from attending classes: meeting new people; gaining new skills and knowledge; being part of a creative and social outlet; increased self-confidence; working with open & friendly tutors, relaxed & supportive pace of learning in a positive atmosphere.
Most participants are from Dublin's north east inner city. 89% of participants heard about LYCS locally, either by word of mouth or through a publicity campaign.
'Participants' Forum' enables participants to become involved in planning, implementing and monitoring the Programme's work. Two members of the Participants' Forum have joined the Management Board of LYCS.